BTFTLIAW – Chapter 422

Chapter 422 – Identity

At this time, Laura and Meg were at the side chatting with Megan. On the other side, the madam had been lead to the living room by Phil and then she sat in front of Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai can only force a smile and said, “Actually, my background isn’t really that mysterious, but there were only a few who knew about it. My surname is Buda, I changed my name to Zhao Hai later.”

Upon hearing that Zhao Hai was surnamed Buda, Smith stared blankly. His complexion changed as his voice was raised, “Are you really surnamed Buda? That Buda Clan’s successor who was bestowed the Black Wasteland by the Aksu Empire, Adam Buda?”

Zhao Hai nodded, “Right, I am Adam Buda. But I have changed my name to Zhao Hai, the Adam from before is now dead.”

Smith looked at Zhao Hai and said, “Didn’t you drink the Water of Nothingness? Why can you use Magic? Right, according to Bell, you’re not using magic, but a divergent ability. So you really can’t use Magic?”

Zhao Hai shook his head and said, “No, I can use Magic. The toxin from the Water of Nothingness has already been solved. I’m now a Magic and Battle Qi Dual-Cultivator. My Battle QI is at 8th rank, and my Magic is at 8th rank as well.”

Smith was very surprised, he stared at Zhao Hai, “Water of Nothingness can be cured? Is that really possible? You’re not deceiving me right?”

Zhao Hai shook his head, “I’m not deceiving you. My toxin from the Water of Nothingness has indeed been cured. But there is only one cure and it took me a long time before completing it. Otherwise, why did you think that Laura and Meg were still my fiance’s and not my wives?”

Zhao Hai understood why Smith was too worked up, this was because the Water of Nothingness was a hereditary poison. If Zhao Hai’s toxin was not solved, then Smith might not let Megan marry him. After all, if they have children, they wouldn’t be able to cultivate either Magic or Battle Qi.

Because he read Smith’s mind, Zhao Hai immediately told Smith that his toxin has already been solved.

When Smith heard Zhao Hai he couldn’t help but turn to look at Laura. Laura smiled at Smith and faintly smiled, “It’s true, Brother Hai’s poison has indeed been solved. If you didn’t call us today, we might have had our wedding two days later.”

Smith relaxed and said, “Good, it’s solved, good! No wonder nobody can find out about your origin. You’re actually a member of the Buda Clan. Hahaha. Nobody in the continent would think that the Water of Nothingness actually had an antidote.”

Zhao Hai smiled faintly, “This isn’t strange, there’s no poison that didn’t have a cure. So what about the engagement that you proposed? Will you reconsider it?”

Smith blinked. “What? You don’t want to? Are you saying my Megan isn’t worthy for you? If you dare to decline, I will really have the family chase you with 9th ranks.”

Zhao Hai forced a smile, “Alright, I’ll talk to my elders at home later and discuss when we’ll get engaged.”

Smith coldly snorted, “No need to discuss it. It will be tomorrow, the sooner the better. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if the family sends its 8th ranks.”

Zhao Hai couldn’t help but frown, “Did the family really plan to send 9th ranks my way? Isn’t this too strange? Is there something I have done to offend the whole Calci Family?”

Smith sighed then he told Zhao Hai about the guesses that him and Phil had made. After Zhao Hai listened to it, his shocked face turned to Smith, “Because of that? Killing me because of my leadership ability? If they continue doing this, then the Dark Mage profession would surely die out. What kind of idiot decides to kill talented people? How did it came to this?”

Smith smiled bitterly, “I don’t know, but this has always been the family’s style. Even I cannot prevent them from doing this.”

Zhao Hai forced a smile and said, “I initially felt it strange that the Radiant Church didn’t offend any other Mage profession other than the Dark Mages. So this was the reason, the Calci Family was actually destroying the profession’s future.”

Smith smiled bitterly, he didn’t have any good thing to say. He just sighed and said, “Let’s let that go for now. You should head back and rest, tomorrow we’ll release information about your engagement with Megan. Not only to the family, but also to the entire continent.”

Zhao Hai wrinkled his brow “How about Charlie? If information about my engagement with Megan gets passed on, how will it affect the Calci Family? Did you already think this through? Didn’t Great Nobles abstain from participating in battles for the throne? Will this bring misunderstanding to the Calci Family?”

Smith smiled, “It’s complicated, but it shouldn’t have effects. Prince Charlie might even be happy, as for other people? Their opinions don’t matter. What’s important right now is your safety.”

Zhao Hai couldn’t help but nod. Smith looked at him and said, “It’s already late, go get some rest. We still have a lot to do tomorrow.”

Zhao Hai nodded, then he lead Laura and the others back to Sweet Plum Courtyard. The moment they entered the courtyard, they immediately went to the Space and headed to Iron Mountain Fort to report everything to Green.

When Green heard Zhao Hai’s report, he couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Fantastic! Hahaha. Young Master, this is very good news. If we have the support of the Calci Family, we would have less problems when restoring our Clan’s prestige. I didn’t think that the young master would actually be so fierce.”

Kun looked at Zhao Hai and sighed, “Boy, why are you so lucky? First, Laura likes you, now it’s Megan. One day you will make all the women in this world crazy. What would the other young men say then?”

Zhao Hai can only smile bitterly while listening to their teasing. Even he didn’t expect it to be like this, he didn’t have anything so say.

Merien didn’t care so much. When she heard Zhao Hai had acquired another fiance, she couldn’t help but happily said, “Good. Young Master, we should find some time for your wedding as soon as possible. It’s important for the Buda Family to have a proper branch.”

Green agreed, “Before, we didn’t get to arrange your wedding with Laura and Meg because of your toxin. But now that you’ve been cured, we should immediately arrange for your wedding.”

Zhao Hai just smiled and said, “I also thought that, and I told Laura and Meg about it today. In the past, I really wanted to marry them, but that would be unfair for them. I think that since the Buda Clan still hasn’t re-emerged on the continent, it would be an injustice to them if we marry secretly. And now, with the addition of Megan, the situation became even more complex. Who is Megan? She’s Calci Family’s little princess. Even if she becomes engaged, it was impossible for her to immediately marry. So if I arrange my marriage with Laura and Meg, the Calci Family would certainly not agree. In the end, it seems like we need to delay the marriage.”

Green sighed, “Looks like we can only do this. Also, for a Great Noble such as the Calci Family, they should have their own special customs. I heard that there are some other ceremonies to do if a female from their family gets married. It seems like we can only delay the wedding.”

Kun nodded, “Actually it doesn’t matter if they wed later. Now that Little Hai’s body has been solved, his body is much better than before. Not like in the past where we fear that he will only live a short life. Now we only need to avoid being enemies with the Calci Family, otherwise trouble will keep chasing us in the future.”

Green agreed, “That is true. Right, Little Hai, you said that you want to be engaged tomorrow? Do you want me to come?”

Zhao Hai shook his head, “No, Smith wanted to engage us by himself. Let’s just wait and see what the Calci Family will do.”

Green nodded, “That’s also good. It seems like Smith wanted this engagement to be simple. Just for the sake of announcing it immediately. Alright, it’s still an unusual time to get married anyway. Let’s just wait and prepare a better wedding.”

Zhao Hai nodded, “My engagement with Laura and Meg was simple as well, so we might as well do the same with Megan, so that it’s not unfair on the two. I’ll tell this to Smith tomorrow.”

Green nods, “Right, Little Hai. Yesterday, the final beer product finally came out. It’s just as you said, it’s good, its taste is very nice.”

Zhao Hai’s eyes lit up, “They’re done? That’s great! How were they? Are there several types?”

Green smiled, “It has, one came out golden, another one is grey, and the last one is black. And the grain wine that you talked about? It’s really good.”

Zhao Hai’s grain wine wasn’t the same as the others, it was in fact rice wine. It’s method of brewing was relatively simple. However, it had its advantages. It’s degree was no high, it tastes mellow. And rice wine can be drank by many people, men, women, and children.

Merine immediately brought the liquors over. Zhao Hai tasted them, the beer were vastly better than what he tasted before. The taste of rice wine was also good. After all, the rice was from the Space, it would be strange if it wasn’t good.

Zhao Hai placed his glass down and turned to Green, “This is very good. Grandpa Green, I want to mass produce these types of liquor. What do you think?”

Green nodded, “We should. Young Master, you should leave some undead here and pull out all of the stones you mined. I’m directing those undead to build a liquor factory. You should know that the space inside the Castle isn’t enough. If we don’t build a new building, there will be no place for further expansion.”

Zhao Hai nodded, “Alright, I’ll leave behind 10 thousand undeads as well as the mined stones. Right, I have the Shi Lie Jie twins, they’re Earth Mages and can make stone golems. Constructing houses shouldn’t be problem.”

Green gave anod, “That’s good. Young Master, you should go rest.” Zhao Hai agreed and returned to the Space to rest.

The next morning, Zhao Hai and the others were summoned by Smith to the courtyard to have some some breakfast. After eating their meal, Smith had Phil announce Zhao Hai’s engagement with Megan back to the headquarters. This was deliberately done by Smith to pressure the family into not destroying the engagement by stopping its acts against Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai also told Smith that he wanted the engagement to be simple. Smith didn’t oppose, it was a special case this time, those extra things could be exempted.

However, even if he said this, Smith still had Zhao Hai and Megan go out together and play. This was to increase their familiarity with each other. Megan was very embarrassed, he face was entirely red as she and Zhao Hai left the City Lord’s Mansion.

But at this time, news of Megan’s engagement with Zhao Hai had already spread all over the entire Sky Water City. This threw an unexpected bomb into the usual state of the city.

One must know that in Sky Water City, there were a ton of people who wanted to marry Megan. But they hadn’t imagined that Megan would actually get engaged suddenly. There was even no ceremony for the engagement, nor was there a banquet. In deep silence, Megan would no longer belong to them.

Soon enough, the people of Sky Water City became crazy. When Zhao Hai went out to play, there were more than 20 Noble men to approached as though Megan needed to be rescued. When Megan told him that the engagement was true, they all turned away with their hearts broken.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Hai couldn’t help but smile bitterly. One must say that Megan was very popular inside Sky Water City. It seems like this has also become a quite troublesome matter.

Even more troublesome was the fact that Zhao Hai didn’t know what the Calci Family felt about his engagement with Megan. Smith engaging his daughter to him this time was a clear indication that SKy Water City’s Lord was adamant in protecting him as well as the future of the Calci Family. In front of the supposed action against ZHao Hai, Smith decided to slap the face of the family. Now, wouldn’t the elders in the family have ugly expressions?

At the thought of this, Zhao Hai turned his head to look at Megan who was chatting with Laura and Meg. Seeing Megan’s flower-like smile, Zhao Hai couldn’t help but say in his mind, “No matter what the Calci Family decides on, I will marry Megan.”

Megan felt Zhao Hai’s gaze on her, she looked up and met Zhao Hai’s eyes before lowering her head again as she blushed. Her brave appearance yesterday seemed like a dream, but Zhao Hai had to admit, this Megan was quite cute.


26 thoughts on “BTFTLIAW – Chapter 422

  1. I understand and agree with avoiding a direct conflict with the Calci family, but I still can’t stand him getting another harem member. Two was already enough.

    1. I disagree with his decision. Even if hes going to be in conflict with the calci, he still have charlie as a backup plan. He can still do business in the empire. Its just a plot armor bs to let zhao hai have another wife

      1. well i mean if he relies on charlie to protect him than he will have to fully back him up to make him king and thats a whole other affair and charlie might not even protect him if it means pissing the calci family off and if charlie sees him wrecking the calci family i doubt even charlie could protect mc from the empires wrath

      2. Yeah, it was total plot armor. I knew it was going to happen moment author did that Smith scene, but it was so boring decision.
        Mc has advantage in all fronts, people don’t know where his home is, he can deal with attacks, he can disappear and move from place to place fast.

      3. I agree with this decision, because if I was in the MC’s position that would mean I get one more cute girl to sleep with everyday.

    2. Oh, I’m sure if Charlie had sister, he would definitely make them marry Zhao Hai.

      1. Marrying into the royal family of the biggest empire in the neighborhood is not such a simple matter.

  2. If he marry megan he need to tell her about the farm right if megan know her family well know 2 right and that family is too big with a lot of snake inside it and his farm can make the whole world fight over it right

  3. The only hope I have, is that the family will try to kill him anyway. ZH tries everything to keep this poisonous “ally”. He easily offends one third of the future emperors, but the Calci family, which destroys the league from within can absolutly not be offended. Sure.

    He doesn’t have to fear the Church when he has such an “ally” and he feeds them willingly with benefits.

    So please, please, please let the family try to kill him anyway!

  4. Thanks for the chapterS! It seems that no one in the comment section like this engagement, mostly because of the cheap plot. Sigh… The forced plot looks like Swiss cheese, full of holes. & all that for a harem member,… so bitter.

  5. Meatbun Delivery~
    Thank you for the chapter ( ●w●)

    I feel like the way the author gave Zhao Hai another girl this time is too forced..
    They had no feeling whatsoever but then suddenly decided “oh i’m in love~♡”

  6. How cares if we have another harem member in the next 5000 chapters we will probably get another 5 so start getting use to it. All i want is for him to finally get married dont want another delay of 300 chapters.

    1. I love Slaughter but I also like watching my favorite characters get married plus by the end of the day we all know we’re going to be reading this cuz they’re all to hooked to this story and it’s bait to Let It Go

      1. Plus we all know what we were getting into when we read the genre list

  7. Males in the Calci family imperatively can only get one wife ; but now Megan will be married to someone who does polygamy. Even beside their initial enimity, wouldn’t the elders get pissed ?

  8. Urgh, this plot is full of holes. WDF getting another harem members? Are we just keep ignoring the fact that real women don’t like sharing? And WDF Calci’s ironclad rule to not married their daughters for benefits since it means the men is weak yet Smith unhesitatingly offer up his only daughter? This plot….And frigging Hai acts like it’s against his will but didn’t actually agree. Urgh, I’m liking him less and less.

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